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I have to make big complaint about this game!

I signed up for a silly nsfw game for my degenerate ass that wouldn't make much sense beyond enough to make H-scenes happen. What I got is one of the best visual novels I've ever played (and I haven't even finished 0.5 just yet) that made me emotionally involved with characters and many times hit me right into feels. It also unironicaly made me thinking about changing my lifestyle a bit, maybe even going to gym! Me! A GYM! Totally not what I expected and wanted! 1/10

But now for real, it's beyond me what gems of a games I manage to find on this site, you Sir definitely have talent. Each girl has very well written personality and something memorable which makes me very conflicted on who I should focus my attention (though we all know the best waifu is Chang 😆). It's also the first time I see so much replayability possibilities in this kind of game, and since I bet (or hope at least) the relations with one girl will influence others (eventually it already happened and I didn't spotted it since it's my first playthrough), it will make it even greater. 

H-scenes and humor are also very well balanced, so far I didn't have any feeling that joke was bad or unneeded. I also didn't feel even ONCE that I was wasting my time, which is hard as hell to achieve (speaking from my overall gaming experience). You're aiming more for relations between characters and then go for hots instead of just dropping as much fanservise (tho I'm happy you found a way to implement it too, just in healthy amount) and then write the story around that. I respect that, especially since you're that good at it (at first I was disappointed that there was so little scenes in gallery, then a couple hours later I was surprised I didn't managed to unlock even half of it, and then, when I took a better grasp of what this game really is, I came to conclusion that goods like that should be dosed lmao).

Another great thing are graphics. I've NEVER seen VN with 3D graphics looking that good. Usually models I've seen were so bad that I used to pick VNs with hand drawn graphics only. And you made it look good enough to make me download it and then kept this level through my entire gameplay (I was fully expecting there will be downgrade after a while and oh boy how wrong I was 😆). That makes me wonder: how many people are working to make this game? 'Cause I will be hella surprised and impressed if all of this, both graphics and writing, is work of one person (even considering how long we have to wait for each update).

To sum it up, I'm really glad I found this game, and will throw few bucks on Patreon after I finish 0.5 (btw, I have no idea how far I am from finishing it, so out of pure curiousity: is the beginning of "heist arc" close to end of 0.5 or I still have much to play?). I love what you did and, as one Senate once said, I will watch your career with great interest 😁


Thank you so much, Helluva 🥰🥰

And yeah, it's mostly just me, although I have some help :)


Damn bro, mad respect 💪