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(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much for playing the game! It always helps to see how other people approach the levels and where things can be improved. 

I do realize I should've disabled the other level buttons until they were done, though I'll be uploading a new build with up to level 5 (or 6 if I can get it done today) and with an updated first level that forces you to learn the dash in the game in the next hour. <D We're all surprised you managed to make level 2 at the end without dashing.

I should add a temporary message that F is your dash for the PC version so that if people play it on the PC they know. I'll also change the number font since I realized as well that that 0 looks like it's an 8, thankfully should be a quick change.

And unfortunately the PC version is a bit weird with the camera style we're using for it and it creates black borders if the resolution is different, I genuinely don't have any idea why on the app it cut the resolution down since on the itch website it seems to cooperate alright, as well as on the phone (which is the main goal in the end).

Thank you again for taking the time to play the game and to record it. c: