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(1 edit)

Hey everyone!

I just had to drop in and share how pumped I am about this Military Logistics game hosted by the ITU Game Design and Development Club. The concept of transporting resources on a battlefield sounds like an exhilarating challenge, and kudos to the organizers for coming up with such a unique and intriguing theme.

As for a solution to the logistics problem, how about implementing a real-time tracking system for the resources? This way, we could monitor supply routes, identify potential bottlenecks, and adjust strategies on the go. It could add an extra layer of excitement and tactical thinking to the game.

Speaking of excitement, I remember participating in a similar game last year, and let me tell you, the adrenaline rush of making split-second decisions while managing resources was something else! It really tested my strategic thinking and teamwork skills.

I think I am so hooked on this game as I am an expert logistician myself and the detail of your vehicles in the game is impressive! I try to keep up with the latest trends in this field, and I can tell you that it would be very useful for you to read this article - Big Data Analytics in Logistics: How It Affect to Cost and Waste Reduction? I am sure you will emphasize the importance of data for yourself and make this game even more awesome!!!