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I'm very exited fur the full game the demo had promising and beautiful story flow, and the characters were fun. It was such beautiful demo and I look forward to getting to play the full game. 

Thank you very much, we're really happy the demo pleased you! 

Deleted 13 days ago

Bonsoir ! Merci pour ce gentil commentaire, on est ravies que tu aies apprécié la démo ! Et bonne année à toi aussi !

Will this game have explicit content? If so, is it censored?


Hi! Yes, it will have a R-18 free optional patch with explicit content. We are not certain for now if it will be censored or uncensored though!  


Oh, I hope the game is uncensored! This game looks so beautiful and high quality, it would be so sad to see it censored.

And honestly, I usually watch streams or youtube walkthroughs of censored/non-explicit VNs (like Dramatical Murder). The ones I end up buying are the ones that show the "good stuff" (like Camp Buddy, Chess of Blades, Seiyuu Danshi, My Burning Heart) lol.


i really really liked the demo, the art is just beautiful, and i love how different the story is. i was expecting our MC to suddenly cast a perfect spell as it would've happen in many many other stories like that, but i was very pleasantly surprised that it the opposite happened! 

also, the game mechanics with choosing different roommates and tutors seems to be very fun and a great way to make replaying interesting! though hyde definitely is at my number one spot at the moment haha

can't wait for the finished game, good luck guys!


Hi amoreduh! Thank you very much for your review, we're really happy you liked the demo! 


I LOVE this game! Good job honestly and I hope that (if you do make new games) your other games will be as great as this one and even better! I also wanted to ask if the full game is going to be free?

Hi! Thank you very much, we are really happy you liked the demo! We're hoping to make more games after finishing this one! 

The full game will not be available for free. 


I was so immersed into the demo when it ended I was yelling out "WHAT?!" it went by so quick. It was amazing I love the characters and I love their personalities it made me laugh a few times. I can't wait to play the full release certainly won my money. The art is beautiful I LOVE LOVE the designs I can't wait. :DD

Also the moment I had to choose between the three of them I sat there arguing with myself on who to choose for a whole 2 minutes XD 

We're really happy you liked the demo! We hope you will enjoy the full release as well :) 

Can't wait :D


J'ai refais récemment la démo et j'adore toujours autant ! Les personnages sont attachants et et leurs relations sont génials, j'adore le petit côté salé de piques !
Je n'ai jamais joué à un VN yaoi, ce n'est pas vraiment ce qui me fait vibrer mais suivant Sallynyan sur fb, j'ai tenté l'aventure !
Et je ne suis clairement pas déçue (j'ai même participé au kickstarter, c'est vous dire !), j'attends la sortie avec impatience !
J'ai aussi été ravie de voir que le jeu est fait avec Ren'py, ce qui m'a carrément motivée et inspirée pour tenter l'aventure de la création de VN!!!

Merci pour cette super démo et bon courage/amusez-vous bien avec ce jeu !!! :D

Merci beaucoup ! On est ravies que la démo t'aie plu ! Et encore merci d'avoir pledge sur Kickstarter !


Je viens juste de finir la démo et j'ai adoré ! Les personnages ainsi que l'histoire sont pour le moins intriguants et j'ai vraiment hâte de connaitre la suite ! En plus, les dessins sont superbes alors que demander de plus ? Bon, il ne me reste plus qu'à patienter... Je vous souhaite bonne chance dans la suite du développement ~ ! ^^


Bonjour ! Nous sommes ravies de voir que tu aie apprécié la démo, et merci beaucoup pour ce gentil commentaire ! 

On fait de notre mieux pour le développement du jeu! 


I love the art style and the story is quite interesting. I'm really looking forward to the full release!
Would it be possible for the dialogue to be in a larger font size? The text was pretty hard on my eyes to read ^^' 


Hi! Thank you very much, we're happy you liked the demo! 

We will take your remark in account! 


I'm sooooo excited for the full release of this game. The art is freaking fantastic and I'm really digging the storyline!

Thank you very much! We're really happy you liked the demo! 


It downloads for me as a zip, and i unzip it. but how do i start/open the demo?

You just have to open the game folder and execute the .exe file! 

is this gay love?

Hi! Yes, it is!


This game looks amazing so far! The graphics are stunning, and I really enjoy all the characters ^^ (excepts from the guards... lol) Good luck on the game! I'd love to play the full version ^w^


Thank you very much for your support! We're doing great on the development! 

No problem.  That's awesome! ^^

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Hi !

I played the demo (though I should stop, some are too great and are going to kill me since I need full games that are as interesting...) and I obviously loved it.

At first I thought the art style wouldn't work for me (I might have been used to art that don't look as good, I dunno, and maybe it looked too detailed on the phone) but I was blown away when I actually saw them on my computer screen (no exaggeration, I really loved it, characters and background really do look good).

I think the only problem I had is with the teacher because of his profile that looks completely different (but I understand, profiles are quite hard and annoying too)

I enjoyed the characters, too. In particular Renan and Hyde (because of personal tastes but well, Renan is particularly funny and Hyde isn't just the quiet guy that won't talk to you. I guess Kary is interesting too, just less my type, but at least I know I can consider his route without problem)

And obviously the world an magic are just too interesting. It feels really nice, and I hope its good development isn't just in my head x) Because it really is interesting and I like how it's going. Too bad the demo didn't end in a really exciting way for me, though I still hope to see the full game.

And I forgot at first but I like Rave's personality, he's not just nice, he can be agressive and everything, which felt... surprising in some cases x) but otherwise it's nice.

One question: Will there be an hint system ?

Best of luck for the development of the game !

Hi! Thank you very much for your detailed review! We're happy you liked the art and the world building! 

About your question, there will not be a hint system! But character's reaction are usually enough to see if they're pleased or not with your choice :) 

And thank you very much! We're doing our best doing the rest of the game! 

normalement en bas il devrai y avoir un lien pour télécharger le jeu mais je ne l'ai pas comment je fais ?

Bonjour, vous pouvez télécharger la démo pour PC ou MAC sur ce site, juste au dessus de la partie commentaires !  

j'ai deja esseiler mais quand je l'ouvre dans mes fichier sa me met dans les fichier du jeu 

Il suffit juste de lancer le fichier .exe dans le dossier extrait pour lancer le jeu !

oui mais quand je fais sa sa me met un message comme quoi sela peut etre dangereux 

j'ai enfin réusis je vais pouvoir y jouer j'ai trop hate !


This game is really great ! I play the demo several times and each time, it's greater ! The drawing style is very beautiful, the writing perfect and the characters are so adorable ! The CGI are really beautiful ! I love them ! The team can be proud of themselves, it's a wonderful game !

Ce jeu est vraiment génial, je l'ai adoré ! La démo est vraiment parfaite, je l'ai faite plusieurs fois pour débloquer un peu tous les persos et les illustrations. L'écriture est vraiment excellente et donne envie de lire ! (parfois je trouve que dans les otome game, l'écriture laisse à désirer mais pas dans celui-ci !) La scénariste a vraiment du talent ! Et elle n'est pas la seule, le reste de l'équipe est génial aussi ! Les dessins sont vraiment superbes, les décors, les designs des personnages, les illustrations ! Je suis vraiment enthousiaste de ce projet !

Au niveau des personnages, on a le choix, même si on ne voit bien que trois des prétendants possibles. Il y a un peu tous les types, mais ils sont tous bien écrits et équilibrés, sans se prendre au piège d'un cliché désuet. J'ai une préférence pour un d'entre eux (Hydounet ♥) mais tous ont l'air très intéressants, avec une personnalité bien à eux, et une histoire qui sera prenante ! 

L'histoire, l'univers, le scénario, ont l'air vraiment génial aussi, de ce qu'on voit dans la démo, ainsi que des détails donnés sur le facebook et le KS. On a un univers médiéval sombre, horrifique et bien pensé. On sent qu'il a été longtemps travaillé, il est cohérent et riche, avec des jeux de pouvoirs, des relations entre les différents groupes en présence. 

Bref, on sent que la team a mis de l'amour, de la passion et du temps dans son jeu, et ça fait vraiment plaisir ! Je leur souhaite toute la réussite possible, parce qu'elles le méritent !

Merci encore pour ton gentil commentaire ! 

On fera de notre mieux pour ce qui nous reste à faire !


Just wanted to say i've played the demo just now and this is one of the best BL pc game I have played. The drawing style is so beautiful and I really like the storyline and the music :D so just know you guys have done yourself proud by producing such a wonderful game. I can't wait to play the full game!

Thank you very much, we're really happy you liked the demo! 

Is the full game available for windows too D:?

Hi! Yes, of course, the full game will be available for PC Windows. 

Deleted post

Merci beaucoup, même si tu n'as pas pu participer au Kickstarter ça nous fait super plaisir !


comment on fais pour télécharger la démo ?

j'ai encore esseiller mais sa me marque anuler ou interdit

Est-ce que tu as un compte administrateur sur ton PC ?

Si oui, il faut peut-être que tu désactives ton anti-virus juste le temps de télécharger et d'ouvrir la démo et de le mettre en exception, c'est possible que ce soit celui-ci qui empêche que le téléchargement soit mené à bien ! 

bonjour j'aiun petit probleme car je n'arrive pas a télécharger la démos vous pouver m'aider ?

Moi non plus je n'y arrive pas...

Ca arrive quand la connection internet est lente, est-ce que tu as essayé de la re-télécharger ?

bien sur je l'ai fais plusieur fois 

Deleted 275 days ago

Bonjour ! Nous n'avons pas de compte Utip pour le moment ! Quant au prix du jeu, sur Kickstarter il est fixé à 35€ et son prix augmentera au moment de la sortie du jeu (dépendant de la plateforme où il sera). 

On est en tout cas ravies que la démo t'aie plu ! Et merci pour ta review détaillée, ça nous fait très plaisir ! 

Will it be available on mobile phones?

Il y aura une version mobile ?

Bonjour ! Une version mobile n'est pas prévue pour le moment ! 


I really hope this game is fully funded I just wish the campaign was longer to give it more time for people to raise money so it gets fully funded if that makes sense (sorry for bad grammar) 

Hi! Thank you very much for the concern, the crowdfunding campaign is not finished so let's cross our fingers! 

(2 edits) (+3)

Just created an account to write this. This game was ACTUALLY AMAZING! The story was great,character design was great.Everything was great! I can't wait for the full version.And i beg you please make the full version free because soooo much people will want to play this great game and if they can't afford it they will be sad.

Also i want to ask this is Ilyes route possible?

The full game is not free - however I think they said the full version will be cheaper if you pick any tier on the Kickstarter with the game key (don't quote me on this). And if the KS isn't funded there will be no foreseeable English translation.

The Ilyes Route does exist, but won't be coming out until 2021. The student routes come in 2020. (This split is to give the devs more time to complete the Fenrir and Ilyes routes and give us some content early).

Hi, thank you very much for your comment, we are really pleased you liked the demo! 

About the game's availability, we have a team to make live behind and cannot afford to make the full game free.

About Ilyes, a route is planned for him. If the Kickstarter is funded, the first three routes (Kary, Renan and Hyde) only will be available. Ilyes and Fenrir will be available later as updates! 


I really love this game so far!! I'm a bit worried, though, I was looking at the Kickstarter and it's only about 50% completed...what will happen if the goal isn't reached? Will the game not be made? :(

If the goal isn't reached then there will be no English translation. The devs have said they will certainly complete the game though, no matter how long it takes, but only in French. So... be ready to pop out a translator if it's not funded. Or learn French. XDD

Hi! Thank you very much for liking your game! 

The Kickstarter is not finished yet, so we aren't thinking of this for now and concentrating our energy on the campaign promotion. If it happens, we will make an update and tell you about the future of the project! 


just played the game, i really love it ! its so pretty and although there are some errors in grammar or punctuation it is made so professionally that im still incredibly impressed ! i was wondering, at the full release of the game, how much will it cost, and is there any way for me to get an alert when it is released ? :) 


Hi! Thank you very much! We're happy you liked the demo <3

You can have a glance of the price and release date on our Kickstarter (it's up until July 31!) =>

(1 edit) (+2)

OMG! (๑>◡<๑)

Thank you! Thank all of you for making this game. I absolutely love it! It’s awesome. Just awesome. I can hardly wait for the next update. 

I ❤️ this game! 



We're so glad you liked it!! Thanks for your comment! *^*
Beware, we don't know if the next update will come : we actually live on Kickstarter, and if the campaign fail the game will not been available in english orz. 


Well, hopefully it'll still be available. I mean, I LOVE it so much! So if you guys only make it available in French. Then, I'll still continue playing it. I'll just have to use google translator. Since the only French person I know is this man who is dating a cousin I hardly know. So yeah... I'll just stick with google translator.


(The following text may include spoilers)

Dear devs,

I’m really looking forward to this game! The demo was fun and interesting.  After playing it several times, I’m still amazed at how professional it already is. Can’t believe the final game will have five routes and over 500.000 words! I think I’ve never played a VN with this length before. Most longer VN’s have about 100.000 words with all routes included. Here we have the same amount of words for 'each' route!

The characters, backgrounds, and cinematic graphics are simply amazing. I especially like the architecture of the capital. I am not an expert in this field, but the architectural style reminds me of a mix between the Gothic period with its pointed roofs and towers and the Baroque period with the round domes in between. Every aspect looks very detailed and atmospheric. You really feel like you’re part of the environment. This impression is reinforced by the fact that the game contains certain scenes in which the background camera moves. Those little moments give you the impression that Rave is really walking through the city or travelling through the forest as you read the text. The cold colors also go well with the rather cold, dark continent that the game takes place in. By the way, I like your idea of including the backgrounds in the gallery. In most VN’s you only have the CG’s contained. Since your backgrounds look very good, it was the right choice to add them.

I also like the music A LOT! The tunes are very memorable and beautiful and they fit perfectly to the historical fantasy setting. The tune that played when Rave travelled through the forest to leave his home town behind sounds very mystical and somewhat menacing. It reflects the emotions of the protagonist and his anxiety of the unknown very well. On the other hand, the melody that played during his arrival in the capital sounds more exciting and somewhat pompous - like the new big city that is so different from the little town which he came from. It’s like a whole new world, waiting to be explored. And the music reflects this aspect very well.

The characters are very interesting and different from each other. My favorite is Hyde at the moment. Of all the characters he seems to be most likable (although I suspect that he has another side of his personality that he just has not shown yet). But that’s what makes characters interesting, doesn’t it? It’s hard to say who the best character is, because everyone has such an eye-catching personality, even someone as unsympathetic as Renan, who I’m sure will turn out as a great romance option. My favorite scene in the demo was the conversation with Hyde in his room at night. He simply accepted Rave as his roommate without making fun of him or judging him. That was so pure and lovely. I hope for more intimate, emotional scenes like this.

I remember someone asked about the characters sexuality. My guess is Renan and Fenrir are bottoms, Ilyes and Kary are tops and Hyde is a switch. But I don’t know for certain. It’s just my gut feeling. lol

We don’t know much about the story yet, but it seems to get very interesting (and dark). I’m curious how being a student in the academy and the undead plague will work together in the further course on the game. I suspect that especially Ilyes and Fenrir will reveal a lot of background knowledge about the undead topic. Speaking of, I really love the idea of a journal in the game. It's good to have something to lookup, especially in games with a lot of background information, so you can always read about the world and its creatures/characters. I’m also glad the game has different scenes depending on your room mate choice instead of mini games. Mini games are often too easy in VN’s and don’t add anything interesting to the story. I'm curious how the scenes will differ depending on your room mate. It would be interesting to get him as your best friend (or rival), if he’s not your romance option. No matter what it is, I just hope we’ll have an interesting relationship with him too.

I don’t have much to criticize. Maybe two things:

1. The English translation still has a few errors (but those can be fixed easily).

2. The text size in the game is kinda small (except for the scenes with moving backgrounds. Those are fine). I understand that this will probably not change anymore. Nevertheless, I have to say that it is sometimes really exhausting for me to read the text, because I don’t have good eyesight.

But this is the only criticism I have.

I really - REALLY - hope this project gets funded. Please, everyone!  When do we ever have the opportunity to play such a big and great yaoi game? I'm a bit worried because there’s not much progress at the moment, but fortunately there are still a few days left. So everything is still possible. Just out of curiosity: What will happen if the project doesn't get funded? I hope it will still be published. This could be one of the best VN's in the next years. I wish the developers all the best and hope for a great end result.

Please keep up your good work! : )


Thanks for the long constructive comment! We're glad you liked the demo so much! We hope it'll be the same for the whole game.

To answer your concerns, if the campaign fails, we'll have to delete the English translation (since it's the most expensive thing) and try another crowdfunding on a French site. The game would only be in French then. Though, we really hope we won't have to do so! 

Thanks again for supporting us, and have a good day!


Then I have to learn French. ^^" I hope it won't be necessary though.  I had it in school, but forgot most of it again. It would be a pity if the vast majority of players don't get the chance to play this great game. Let's hope for the best! 

In the worst case, perhaps it would be possible to first publish the game in French and then wait and see how it sells. If it sells well, maybe there is still the possibility of an English translation one day?


Will the game ever be on android?

Also i love the demo and can't wait for the full game!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi! The port to android is not planned for now. 

We are really happy you liked the demo! We are also eager to show more about our game! 


If someday you want the game translated into Spanish I offer my services. (English to Spanish)

Hi! Thank you for your offer! We will consider it later!

(1 edit) (+1)

Really excited to see what's to come in the full game after such an dazzling demo! Thanks for sharing:)


Thank you pavonated! We are happy you liked our demo!


I don't know if I can wait until 2020. That seems like years from now and I'm sad about it. The art is simply stunning and the story is already amazing. I really wish I could continue reading it. 


Thank you very much for your comment! We're really happy you enjoyed the game! 

It is a bit far from now, but in reality it is quite short! We hope you will stay with us by then! 


I would be willing to help translate, even for free! I'm also French, but as I've been nurtured in a bi-cultural environment thanks to my school and being raised solely by American au pair girls and the likes, I've grown to be completely bilingual, equally and highly comfortable in both. Your demo swept me off my feet, and I would love to contribute if need may be! 


Hi Rui! Thank you very much for your proposal, it is very kind of you! But since there are a lot of words to translate, and the with the translating time the translator will have, we prefer to hire a professional to do the work!


Beautiful art, interesting story and characters.
I look forward to the full release. c:


Hi Itachun! Thank you very much for your comment!


I am incredibly interested in seeing how this develops. I find the world fascinating, and I cannot wait to see more!


Thank you! We're really happy you liked the universe! 


There's several game's i'm keeping track of right now, and I have to say within the list this game is the one which contains the most potential. Starting from the beautiful art - can I just say that Renan is freaking adorable, hyde too), to the detailed background and how the characters were fleshed out.

Honestly at first, I downloaded this game on a whim since I was trying to make my friend play bl with me but I never expected to get so fixated and addicted on a game. This game (well the demo) is a freaking masterpiece, nearly perfect if not for the few grammar mistakes. I mean, heck I wouldn't  mind paying if you ever start a kickstarter page or patreon, haha. 

Anyways, this is such a good game with tone of potential, and I just want to thank you guys for creating such a game (like really). I'll be waiting so don't go dropping of the project haha.

Fighting :>>


Hi Shinonon! 

Thank you very much for your kind compliments and taking your time writing a review, we're really happy you enjoyed the demo.

Our Kickstarter is planned for soon, please stay tuned!

And we will do our best finishing the game if the KS is funded!


Just finished the demo and god, I spent a solid 5 minutes debating which choice to go with for that last question I was almost let out a screech when it turned out to be the demo's end, haha. 

The atmosphere, worldbuilding, writing, and the art in this game are incredible. I typically keep games (especially VNs) on mute, but the music in this one was really nice!! I also loved the nice touch of having a tutorial at the beginning. I've played VNs made in Ren'py for almost a decade and none of them really made use of the features they could've introduced to new players.

I'm looking forward to the kickstarter! Just one question though - are there any plans on having a permanent version of the journal in the extras? It's a nice feature, but I'm afraid I tend to get too focused on the narrative to pay attention to anything else, so I'll probably end up forgetting to check it while playing. Also, will a walkthrough be provided?


Oh, and I forgot to mention that Ilyes is my favorite :^) I'm assuming he's one of the bonus routes, so I'll be very patient until they come out <3


Hi aphrodisia! Thank you very much for your very kind review! We are very glad you liked the demo and Ilyes! 

It's still not planned, but we will think of it, thank you for your suggestions! 


Ahaha, I get what you mean, the same thing happened to me too, like what should I do? It sounds really important,s hould I just og for the shota since he's my roomate or should I keep balance? And when I finally came to an option feeling really excited as I read through the dialogues... This is the end of the demo T-T

Aaaargh, I'm really curious about the plotline too, it has such a great story.

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