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This is a great game! Especially for the time it was made in! I've enjoyed the game but am a little bit confused on why I'm only allowed to unlock the same three recipes every dealer event. Besides that my only two very minor criticisms are 

- Reloading cannot be done while sprinting which really cuts off the fluid movement shooter vibe, however this is pretty easily countered by reloading while you're in the air and strafe jumping 

- And maybe scaling down the enemies' accuracy depending on the speed of the player. It's due to their insane accuracy at close range that I couldn't really find myself enjoying the shotguns as getting that close pretty much guarantees that you will take damage no matter how fast you are moving.

Other than that I would love to see a paid sequel sometime in the future, perhaps with a taxi that takes you to a random stage every once in a while? I would love to work on some more weapon concepts to offer up ideas. Either way you have done an amazing job here and I am most excited for your future projects! Keep up the great work! <3    


I greatly appreciate feedback you came back with.

- By the way, the dealer event is total oversight on my part. I was getting the random Recipes when the run would start and not when he spawned. Thanks for pointing it out.

- I do see your point in the reloading kinda destroying the vibe when slowing down the player. I will make it so that you can still sprint when reloading, which should make it feel a lot better :)

- And uuuh, about the enemies. I totally agree with that they are way too hard, and pretty much everyone who i watched play it, said the same thing. I guess it would be possible to adjust their accuracy smoothly between shooting where the player is at the moment of them shooting, and where the player is going to be once the shot hits, depending on the momentum of the player.

Also, i don't know if it was a problem for you, but the enemy wave/difficulty system goes more exponential curve rather than linear.

Again thanks for the feeback and i will look into making some changes as soon as i have time. And i like the idea with the taxi driver, it could definitely spice up the game.

PS: You are more than welcome to suggest your ideas in my discord server :


Edit: now that i look at the code. I think you were just very unlucky with the dealers recipes.