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I love this game so much!! It's such a unique idea to have a platforming-exploring game that's on a time crunch as the world is falling around you, thus opening up different paths along the way. It was so fun gathering collectibles and frantically figuring out what I needed to do as I went along. I think the deaths are a little unfair, however, as once you lose your stuff, it feels nearly impossible to get it back and I end up just resetting the game when that happens cause it feels like I lost my entire life savings lmao. My favorite part of the game was when I figured out that I could DRIVE THE SPACESHIP AROUND THE MAP and it suddenly unlocked a whole other portion of the map to explore and I felt more and more pressured to escape and set my spaceship in a safe place that it won't fall but I'd also be able to reach again- It's just insanely fun and transforms the game into something completely different. Excellent use of game mechanics and pacing, definitely one of my favorites!!!


Yeah the death penalty is harsh, but there is an option you can configure to make it less mean!


Unfortunately I didn't see that until after I finished the game😭but ngl that's on me, I wouldn't even think of that to be an option!