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Okokok, I had to make an account to post this comment.

This is really amazing!! Normally I'm not very good with kind of creepy horror stuff but this was really cool. I loved being able to take my time and talk to literally every NPC I came across. I loved the art, the story, the characters, everything! Not gonna lie, I almost cried a few times (The only reason I didn't was because I had to get dinner which gave me a break to chill for a bit)

Unfortunately, I started playing before the mediator for the bug was added and I ended up wandering around for what felt like forever trying to figure out what I was doing wrong with the starving soul. But a quick speedrun after refreshing my game got me back to where I was. I didn't have to take super long to talk to everyone I came across again so it wasn't that big of a deal. 

All in all, this was an absolutely incredible game. Easily up there among my favorites. I really hope you keep making games (If that's your jam) but even if you don't, this one was still amazing!