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(1 edit)

you could have made all the capsule (walls) be static and i personally made so that all the food spawner only work if there are at a distance smaller then 50 and i check that at a interval of 2 sec, (this  solo have made the game have 100+ fps)

do you have in mind a game for day 5?

Nope, I made a thread about that:

if you want you can try working on any of the game Connected Planets because i am in all branches >:) (in this game i did exactly what you did upgraded the graphics and visual bugs, menu , nothing more :>)

I’ll consider it! thanks for the suggestions :]

(1 edit)

np thx

I will probably work on your game and add all the changes that i did to the game i work on (there is no rule to work on the same game if i dont show on the list of developers from previous days) :>

That’s fair! Would be nice to combine those functionality and maybe add more ontop!

I just prioritized what I considered most important & what I could offer the most for the project to push it closer to day 6, I’m a full-time games programmer in my day job so I know the game can be greatly optimized even further but it is a game jam after all, there’s room for all that on day 6 too! :]

Hey, you are a full-time game developer? That's cool!

Yep since January, I’m a trainee so nothing super serious but I am on 18month contract with local games studios! really enjoying it.