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I tried to come up with a review that won't require me to use those words but I don't think I can do it.

Holy. Shit. Holy fucking shit. 

Through the whole thing I was sitting here, barely breathing, barely blinking, watching the text change and unveil the whole experience. I feel sick, I feel full, I feel empty, I feel ???!, I know exactly how I feel and I don't know words in any language that can describe it. It feels unreal in the best way possible, it feels like having something streamed directly into your brain with nothing filtering it beforehand. I don't even know what to say. It's amazing work. It really is.


Thank you so much Naarel!

I really like media that leaves you with those weird undefined feelings! So I'm happy to hear that I could evoke that!!

I think it kind of makes me feel the same, empty but full, like someone just told me something that it's -a comforting lie- and -a cruel truth- at the same time.

In general, I wanted to play with dichotomies/binaries, because with so much in life, things aren't "one or the other".