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Will you guys end up making other games? You guys make criminally well written stories, even for a nsfw game, and I reckon you could make absolute banger games. Also how long do you reckon Academy34 will go on for, story wise?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

We really want to make other games, but currently we are understaffed to pull off making two games at once.

And we can't leave Aacademy34 behind because we want to polish it out to the point we will be proud to put it on Steam!


I cant wait for the steam release, also if you were to make another game what type of game would you make


We are still considering  our options, but I can say for certain that we want to make something with an actual gameplay. We are really into management simulators, but we also like dating-sims, so it's safe to say that you will probably see both of those elements in some form or the other.


Sounds fun! I reckon you will have a large audience for that sort of game