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Completely reset? Sort of. You can reallocate the stat points of a follower in the level up menu(Be sure to spend every point before leaving the menu, in previous versions it deleted those points from my follower). However, if you've only ever given essence in that stat then it won't do anything but reset the other stats. If that doesn't work you can at least level up the breastplate at the smithing anvil in town. Each level on the armor increases the stat which it breaks. So going from level 0 breastplate to level 1 will increase max breast size from 50->60.

I guess that could work, thanks, but he has 100 breast size, so I'll have to waste quite a bit on levelling up the breastplate

At least level 5 armor isn't hard to get, just a couple essences or an ability shard should get you there if not more. It has the added benefit that at level 5 and 10 you get a bonus 10 armor points each tier.

Deleted 312 days ago

For me when i press ~ button i have command console on bottom and when i press ~ second time it shows black half transparent console at upper half of the screen and there is command bar at bottom of this console. I'll upload photos of it later.

Deleted 312 days ago
Deleted 312 days ago