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I've read up on Replicant and Lineage and extracted a few .apk's for personal use, but I've never heard of an arch-based mobile distro. What site is this ranking on?
Also Mint Debian edition? Mint is a fork of Ubuntu which like Zorin is a fork of Debian. Used to use Mint myself until I got tired of always needing to build git repos to stay up to date. Technically still need to do that with the AUR, but at least yay helps out with that.


oh yeah thats right. replicant is a thing. all free software tho so their distro doesnt even come bluetooth compatable. i mean, i get it but they didnt have to close off adding it in your own self.  they were pretty adamant about it too when folks would ask. 

i DO like lineage tho. took the defibrillators to the old cyanogen and gave it a pulse again. my only problem with it... is that, correct me if im wrong here, its still an androidOS. I DO like how you can download it with MicroG to swap out the whole google infestation though. I like that a WHOLE lot.  fukin google man... theyre out of control.  

i will take a gander about to see if i can find the Arch mobile distro again fer ya. 

and yes youre 100% correct, thats why i was so stoked for LMDE (linux mint debian edition) here, check it out:

still on LMDE 5, tho =( i want it but ive got more important things to be doing than compiling everything i need to make my computer compatable with everything only to find out midway tho that some repos, available on reg LM arent available for LMDE. how's that work? fuck if i know but it was a bummer none the less.