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can we get some better weapons, this shit is retarded

(1 edit) (+4)

you can get weapons from Dorlly and fox, it will fight very good.

but this game is still in development, please don't say that, mofu will sad if you say that :<

enemies are too hard to beat


just get bunch of mushroom stew and if that doesnt work out then ig skill issue

(1 edit) (+3)

Sorry, that the enemies are too hard. I will be improving this game balance and adding features to enhance weapons, etc.

(1 edit) (+1)

No Mofu! Dont comfort someone who literally has "Flaming" in his Name. He is just here to brag maybe hasn´t even played the game with half his brain. The balance of the weapons is great please don´t change it.

Thank you for your concern. I'd like to remedy that, as this game has many points that are not noticed due to lack of explanation.

(1 edit) (+1)

and you´re hard to tolerate

dont care