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I liked the core concept of this game but I found it a bit too easy to get lost (restricting the playing area might have helped as well as adding a mini-map) being able to send small scans in an aoe would have been nice to help locate the remaining planets too!

I am not sure I fully understood the concept of buying / selling and making the planets happy but the idea is really nice!

With a bit more time and polish this can become a pretty great game!


Thanks! A minimap has been a very common request, I’ll try to implement one after the jam, or maybe a little indicator to the nearest uncovered planet.

I had hoped to have a bit more complexity in the system beyond just buying and selling directly but ran out of time, it’s primarily meant to be a resource management game but I wanted you to be able to help the planets get to a point where they could develop on their own, I just overscoped that a little 😅