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THIS GAME FUCKS. i found a post about it randomly on tumblr but i fucking love it, it was such a good decision to lean heavily in writing character dialogue between the two. dialogue is my favourite part of any story, and the way the two of them bounce off eachother and feel real and human and want to have fun and joke with eachother is so perfect. its very obviously that their reconnecting, and the flaws in their relationship through the dialogue is wonderfully articulated and everything. their relationship makes me so fucking happy, i especially love how when jack says he enjoyed doing the project with neal. neal is surprised that jack genuniely fucking likes hanging out with him. and i KNOW that feeling and it was so fucking cute to see that protrayed.

and neal talking big shit but you seeing him get taken care of by jack, both by jack going inside the room first and then later when you learn jack literally stared down the school and put himself between neal and an embarrassing moment. 

it felt nice and real and im so compelled and interested in these characters who actually really like hanging out with eachother. it felt really good and their relationship is so neurodivergent solidarity. please keep protraying these two having superfluous fun. i love them. so so so fucking much. i am going to become obsessed with this until the actual game comes out. theyre so sweet and awkward and i want this game pumped into my bloodstream. im never going to shut up about this now.

- guy who made an account specifically to post this comment