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If you're playing the 5.0 or the 5.1 then the Boss Lich is on the first floor but there's slimes in the way so yeah.

still i playing the free version and yet when i get inside the cave at the first part (whitch i deafeated her already) but i cound't find the pool do i really need to restart the game? there is no other way to get in that pool?

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm having this same problem actually on version 5.1. When you enter the Lich cave, it automatically starts you on the highest floor you last visited instead of Floor I, so I can't go back to try the Lich Pool event.

EDIT: You can reset the dungeon with one of the ladder escape items you get from entering it, it will always reset at 1 so you don't have to redo anything to get the Lich event to work.

i see..then i might try that and hope it doesn just reset just without the pole