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(1 edit) (+2)

Hmm... my best score so far was 258,110

Just upgrading slime and wisp gave me a pretty good result. 

Now, if we are to have a healing/buffing unit, that'd be hilariously balance team comp.


I got a high score of 478, 550 pts with the same build of focusing blob (lv 20+ on health and lv 30+ speed upgrade, lv. 15~ on damage), trap chest (lv. 20+ could practically 1-shot a survivor) and wisp combo (wisp was the most heavily upgraded unit to the point that only having 5 units can delete survivors and stall a horde of survivors by themselves, had lv 43 on damage, lv 38 on health and a measly lv 20 on speed).

Since I was playing with the browser version, my reason of quitting  ahead of time (played around 30 mins) before actually losing was I wasn't playing even a game at that point since with my mid-range gaming laptop turned the game into a slideshow presentation with glorious 5 fps gameplay.

Note for myself and others on future runs, do not go over 3~ish units with maximum upgraded wisps attacking a single unit on browser as it will literally overkill that survivor with it's red health bar now going increasing infinitely backwards making it immortal until it killed most of its attackers then just randomly die 10 seconds later.

Another note would be, do not put trap chests in close proximity of each other otherwise when one blows up (either with it igniting or explodes as it gets hit with a random projectile) the other trap chests in range will also explode in a chain reaction.