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New weapon idea: handheld pressure washer that can be used like backpack with sprayer the weapon is weak but has Damage over Time (DoT) and strong knockback to help the low damage output but overheats in 5 seconds but loses heat in 3 seconds. A few locations to find it is outside the gym boss room or  someplace outside the sewer section. It can be refilled with any source of liquid (that might be implemented) as a way to be resourceful. I will think of more ideas on this later but for now. 

Good idea or a maybe?

Deleted 310 days ago
Deleted 324 days ago

Great idea, but I shouldn't be adding new weapons.

Maybe I'll add them in the next game. ヾ(•ω•`)o

You could put it in the next game but if you make new weapon on the same engine and art style it is equal to less time wasted in the future and the only thing you really would need to is make locations and enemy type. Also if you were to be a bubble of text that could have Easter egg to one of your other games you have created.

Good idea or a I will think about it?

Good idea. I will remember o( ̄▽ ̄)d

(1 edit) (+1)

I think what he's trying to say is the more weapon's in this game  so that the assets of those weapons can be reused in the next game and painted a different color and called a new weapon. I think that's what he is saying.

Thank you for the translation, it seems I misunderstood the meaning.   (T_T)

So will there be?

The next game may not be of a similar style.

But I will consider adding some throwing weapons, such as Molotov cocktails (。・∀・)ノ