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(2 edits) (+1)

Gameplay em Pt-Br

Very good game, scary and with very beautiful graphics.

I just think it should improve a little on the intelligence mechanics of the Assassin looking for you, it also had instability in the FPS rate (my pc is very good), it should dim the light to decrease even more the range of vision to make the game more tense and decrease by about 25% the speed of the character and the assassin.

But otherwise it's excellent for a novice GameDev, congratulations!


Muito obrigado por jogar :)

Já encontrei a causa dos lags e irei corrigir isso

Quanto ao assassino, acho que não vou dar update muito nele mas nos meus próximos jogos irei apenas pegar na base deste jogo e evoluir a mesma, com mais inteligencia e menos bugs

Obrigadoo ::))