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Hello, I'm very thankful for your kind comment. This was my first major project in game developing, so I made a lot of mistakes. I hope this was fun to play nevertheless!

About finishing the game:
The development came to a full stop once our artist left the project. Since I had no knowledge on pixel art and could not find anyone who could do similar art style this was a major issue.
Along with that, college started to take most of my time and now my job takes the rest, I barely have time to myself so it's a bit hard to decote so much time on a big project like this.
I hope one day I will be able to take this back up, perhaps from the start, with the knowledge I have now. GLT is still my favorite manga/anime and I tried to give it a good arcadey-like game to people to remember.
Thank you again for your comment heavy! And take care of those spies!


Здравствуйте, я заметил ваш ответ и хочу сказать вам несколько слов

1. Жаль, что художник ушел (игра выглядит очень мило, я надеюсь, вы найдете нового художника, иначе старый вернется)

2. Я надеюсь, что вы так или иначе найдете время хотя бы для себя, как вы можете создать игру, даже если у вас нет времени на себя.

P.S. я позаботился обо всех Шпионах.