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I heard about this game via social media, downloaded it today, and have played a few rounds.  I love it!  My only issue is that the clown has broken into the house and killed me 3 times.  I thought the house was supposed to be the only safe place to hide from the monsters.

Also, if you could make this a multilayer game that would be amazing!  My husband loves games like this, so it would be so much fun to play with him, build a little farm together, work together to survive and build up things.  Maybe even put in a feature - if you haven't already - where you can eventually build up better defenses!

Thanks a lot for your feedback! Yes, you have to find out how to survive the clown. Thanks for your ideas, I like the one about building defenses.


I figured out how to beat the clown.  I hate, though, that there isn't an option to save the game and that you have to start completely over every time you die or have to step away from the game.  Definitely consider adding a save option.