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Looking good! I really like the artstyle and theme. I think probably my biggest note is just with the character controls, for one thing I think that the attack key should be rebound, it's really awkward to hit X while also using WASD (and while this issue doesn't exist when using arrow keys, it's still not ideal). I'd suggest making attack either spacebar or shift, and rebinding interact to E if necessary. The other big issue I've got is that Kibwe feels very heavy and slippery to control, they're slow to accelerate and slow to change direction. This issue is worsened by a bug in the game, where whenever Kibwe changes their facing direction they lose all momentum

The only other note I've got is that it's really easy to get softlocked with the materials. On my first playthrough I got 12 grass and 12 meat on my first trip to the forest, but the cook needs 15 grass, and there's no way to discard materials you don't need (that I could find, at least). Honestly, the way I'd solve this is I'd remove the limit on how many materials you can store in the village and just make it so you can only hold 25 items while in the forest (it's weird to me that for some reason Kibwe has to carry all of the supplies in the entire village and can't just set the materials down when they get home)

Roguelites are always crazy hard to do in a game jam, and it's really impressive what you've got done -- see you at the end of Polish!

thanks so much.

  • You can also use 'P' to attack I just forgot to update the tutorial,  but I think it's on the itch page. I forgot about having 'E' as an alternative to interact.
  • Getting the movement to feel just right was a struggle I had and that is something I hope to tweak more in the coming week, but I'm not really sure where to go.
  • If you hit 'esc' to pause you can drop things in your inventory. It's not very intuitive,  but you select the number of things to drop and hit the check. I also didn't get around to weaving this into the tutorial,  but plan to during the next week. Each time you unlock you get an extra 5 loot capacity. I added the constraints to be sure people used their loot.