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So this game looks really great! and the concept is really clever, I love the visual design, the transitions look amazing too!

My main issues were with gameplay, I could easily pass all the levels by just spamming my units and I didn’t feel like I had to strategize, understandable that the game was bit unbalanced for a 48hour jam and can easily be fixed up after!

I would also liked to have some BGM / SFX I don’t know if it was bugged on my end but I couldn’t hear any.

Really cool concept and a unique take on the reverse tower defense mechanics!


Thanks for playing the game!! Really glad you liked it :D

There’s actually a Perfect Rank system for each level that requires you to get all of your units to the end without losing any of them, which often requires a lot more strategy ;P

Although, there’s a bug with the game on refresh rates higher than 60hz that speeds up a lot of the game functions (I had no idea what deltatime was and that Construct 2 has it before the jam lol), so if that’s been happening to you, I totally understand feeling like there’s no strategy ^^'