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thank you for the kind words and spending your time to play the game!! :)

you're right about the dialogue options! it was in part due to not having enough time, but also i was worried about drowning the players with too much stuff to click on. having a longer game in a jam is already a big ask considering the amount of entries and generally the amount of time people are willing to spend on a game they didn't fully "choose" to play, so i tried not to overwhelm anyone and make the game relatively easy to finish while still showcasing the main idea. it did make it so that there's pretty much nothing to explore outside of the main "quest" though

and hey, just in case you only watched the main game LP, echoes of the eye is absolutely worth getting outer wilds for! :P


Yeah, for a jam game those are definitely good points, since yeah, the game is a little tricky to get into. A post-jam version would probably be much more suited for that :D

Heh, yeah, I watched that one too, unfortunately (?). Though honestly, I’m not sure my crappy laptop GPU would have been able to run the game anyway, so better to experience it second-hand than not at all!