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Those were some weirdly satisfying egg-laying noises. I liked how clicking on the eggs cracks them and costs you time, so it was a balancing act between having enough eggs to produce lots of chickens to add more time, and not having so many eggs that you're at risk of cracking them a bunch. I got into a groove where for I while I was basically always at 30 seconds left......and then I accidentally clicked an egg and that was a run-ending mistake. Oops. It was probably for the best - my wrist was getting sore from chasing chickens around with a trackpad, and while the game was fun in its simplicity, after that long I was getting a little bit bored xD (I ended up scoring 277 on that run.)

Anyway, what a weird and neat little game!


Thanks so much for playing and for the feedback! I'm glad you appreciate aspects of the game, and you got quite a high score well done :) Yes you can get into a state where it's quite hard to lose and the game gets boring and repetitive, I may update it to deal with this in the future!