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(2 edits) (+1)

Oh my god I was not ready for the music xD

Also you shouldn't have made the chickens so cute if you wanted me to squish them! But admittedly, running over a whole group of them at a time was very satisfying. The controls did feel a bit strange, though - up/down controls were super, super responsive, whereas left/right felt like they were fighting me. The hit boxes were also sometimes a bit unexpected - I'd miss a chicken that was right in front of me, but one that wasn't particularly near the side of the car would turn into a pancake. I think the potholes would also sometimes be unexpectedly counted as a collision despite not seeming like I'd actually hit it, though it's hard to tell since that's a game over xD

Why are all the chickens trying to cross the road, anyway? If they kidnapped my family surely they're also smart enough to not run in front of my death machine?? One of life's great mysteries, I suppose!

Edit: After writing this review I went back and played some more just for the music. That menu music is honestly incredible and it's a bit disturbing how well the game music goes with the chickens' death squawks.