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Great game that in many ways manages to turn the 4th wall into a window. Not only turning many of the classic fantasy tropes on their head, the game also manages to introduce many meta concepts as well that only add to the plausibility of the setting, giving the player a real look into the consequences of dealing with and moving on from the world the MCs are trapped within. The connections made and alluded to make the touching moments all the more impact and the times of needed laughter all the more lively.

It also makes some well hidden but decently set philosophical points about many issues both real and fantastical, one of the strongest being "what if one's life *really was* like a vidio game?...what would you do?" They answers to this question differ from character to character and really shine a light on how each one has adapted to the situation.

Buy this game, it is worth the play and the supporting of the author...and the ladies are cute too :p