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That was super fun, and I haven't seen anything like it gameplay wise, while fitting the theme nicely playing as the boss.

You introduced the mechanics fast enough to keep me focused, but it never felt overwhelming and each ability felt unique. Art, music also both fab of course. I really liked the tactical aspects of managing your resources, and the cast times of spells, mixed with the real-time movement of the enemies. Especially once you could teleport.

The game was nicely polished, and I have no complaints especially within the game jam regarding the rating, but in case you continue development and want feedback:

- I found I used the ice blast very little (couldn't say if that's just me or whether it needs a buff though as I still liked the ability).

- The endgame could use some balance tweaking - I think it was the perfect difficulty and tested the player's skills in a fair way, but I felt the levels were too long. Especially level 11, which, by the time I beat it, I knew the music inside out aha.


Thanks for the kind comment and compliments!

About the ice blast, we actually buffed it twice because my co-developer/designer is too good at playing games, and I couldn't beat his tutorial levels. Probably still needs another buff haha, though I think the permanent slow it gives adventurers is underrated.

I agree about the level length, but there's a trick to level 11 that lets you beat it within about 30 seconds. It's really more of a gimmick level based on a bug we thought was too funny to fix for the jam. As a hint, pay attention to the sound effects and focus on targeting the archer that feels different from the rest.

Thanks again for taking the time to play our game and leave feedback!


I love that image of one of you being especially skilled aha

Ahhh that has me curious. I'm definitely gonna return to test that out