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I love the idea. Being in control of what's normally random is such a fun take on the theme. Overall I think the two biggest things holding this game back is how quickly everything moves (my attention is stretched between the damage the hero is taking, the intensity/epicness of the story, and the options available for each roll) and how little information there is for your choices without a lot of trial and error. I think maybe having a limited number of rerolls per encounter, and having the hero stop between combat (or at least a pause button to consider the options) would be ideal. That way players will have the chance to think about what they want to do. I was eventually able to beat the dragon, but it felt like I was brute-forcing my way through it more than making intentional decisions. The core idea is absolutely solid, it just needs a bit of refining for pacing/gamefeel, which I realize is a result of this being a jam game. Overall I think this has a lot of potential!