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Hey, since you didn't want spoilers on the game page, I thought it'd be safer to openly discuss it here.  Or at least less noticable.

If someone's reading this and they don't want to get SPOILED, stop reading.

And I guess I can delete this afterwards, and I'll rate and comment proper.

So, firstly, is the 'Roles Reversed' thing that even after you beat the game the player character doesn't want to leave?  Honestly I wasn't sure if the theme was utilized or not.

Or was it that I hadn't beaten the game properly?  I actually got stuck, and just guess the combination.  I speculated that maybe all the complex puzzles was just leading me to a very silly answer.

I got all the code words (I think) but couldn't figure out what order to put them in on the picture box.

I guessed the colour matching puzzle.

I figured out the number sequence on George but couldn't figure out it's application.  I thought maybe 5040 would be a Phone Number, but it wasn't.

So tell me, what's going on and how did I do?