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nope, it's all urs forever

Deleted 221 days ago
(1 edit) (+3)

not exactly a roadmap but priorities go something like this:

  •  voice acting. there will be some voice acting in v0.04. it's already recorded, just gotta put it in the game :3
  •  h-scenes, ideally a new one with each update
  •  more random chat options with mayu (basic and unlockable)
  •  special event system. i think i want events to be fully voiced and have some cgs
  •  more options to interact with mayu
  •  save/load system
  •  polish the house sprite more
  •  variations for h-scenes when mayu's awake, asleep, horny, uninterested, etc.
  •  management minigame to make money
  •  shop

yeah, something like that -v-

Deleted 221 days ago

each update has been taking around 2~3 months so far, unless i take a detour to work on a different one-shot game (which takes about the same amount of time!)

Deleted 221 days ago