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(1 edit) (+2)

Hi I just marathonned this all day and I gotta say it's really good and I enjoyed it greatly. Just judging based on the character badges I honestly wasn't expecting to like Toasty as much as I did, but come the other side of the game they're actually my favorite one. Maybe not surprising, given our shared love of FFXIV, but just from the portrait it seemed like they were going to be a lot different than they ended up being. Warm fuzzy feelings :)

Another thing, I just have to give my utmost appreciation for the character ages here. As someone who's also 29 and about to crest the hill into his 30s, it's super refreshing to see a romance game about fully-grown adults rather than 18-20 year olds. Kinda makes me feel like all hope isn't lost yet, haha. Thank you for this pleasant experience <3

[also i caught those free trial jokes ur not slick (yes i know they were meant to be obvious but still)]