Review Summary
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
[ + + + - - ] :: CREATIVITY
[ + + - - - ] :: PRESENTATION
It's a cute little game. I think with some time and love it could mature into something genuinely memorable.
Rubric / How I Measure The Score
[ + - - - - ] 1 - Missing
[ + + - - - ] 2 - Somewhat Present
[ + + + - - ] 3 - Present
[ + + + + - ] 4 - Well Done
[ + + + + + ] 5 - Outstanding
Detailed Review
[ + + + - - ] :: ENJOYMENT
It was a fun little game. Good work on the obstacles. If you smooth the camera and keep it centered closer to the player I think that would help a lot. I'd also have loved to see more levels.
Edit: Extra star because my critique was an issue of presentation, not of experience. It's a solid design and I did have fun, even if it needs some more TLC.
[ + + + - -] :: CREATIVITY
Great idea reversing gravity. I don't know that it communicates the idea that the role of gravity is reversed. It might be fun to add a floating apple and make some science jokes.
Edit: I'm giving an extra star for creativity. After all, it was quite creative.
[ + + - - - ] :: PRESENTATION
It's pretty straightforward. Again, the camera could be more smooth, and you could have some sort of transition between levels.