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This... this was awesome. I am currently at 8th level but definitely continue playing it. At first it looked like same copy of "create road and press start and watch" games, but this realtime system really changed my point of view to the genre. It's amazing! 

I loved how you use one block one or two times instead of just once. This keeps you focused to game. In level 5 where the springs came I struggled because it was not triggering, but then I looked controls and I realised I can control even the spring. That is amazing, I loved how even a single thing is not automated.

I know there is similar games with exact gameplay (except the move scheme, I saw it here first time) this is definitely the best among them. Graphics are amazing, simple but really good. I think it's pixelated with camera resolution and I really like that style.

Character animations is really good, I think there is no sound effects but that's not a big deal for me. The only thing that I disliked sometimes blocks' Y axis position can be little bit off and character can stuck there. It moves but doesn't move because it stuck on the edge.

Overall great game, greate visuals, little bit cliche game idea but amazing and top tier execution. 10/10