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What an amazing game. Definitely in the top few of the games I've played in this jam so far, if not at the top.

The art style is really unique, yet everything is also very coherent, including the music!

Aside from that, I do love some good time-loop shenanigans. Makes everything feel more impactful!

The only criticism I have is that clicking through text can be painful after a while if the player has already seen the text. Maybe that clicking and holding down the button for a while skips through text faster or just skips it entirely if there's no interaction with the player.

The ending is also a little freaky and abrupt - I see that others have already mentioned it, but I am curious what you had in mind for the actual ending aside from the game 'breaking'!

Still, the dialogue is immersive, the aesthetic is amazing, and I really enjoyed playing through this, so, uh, thank you for making it!


thank you for the kind words and the lengthy comment in general :)

a skip button is definitely a must as a QoL feature and flavor text should probably just not appear at all once you've seen it once, but the latter is a more involved issue since some flavor text also includes clues that i would want the player to be able to revisit if they missed them. ideally there'd be a screen that keeps track of the "player" schedule as you discover it + all the clues you've gathered, which would completely eliminate the need to repeat anything except conversations where you actually get to interact.

as for the ending, my original idea was pretty vague - it was just meant to show that sometimes your efforts are not rewarded and the end result of what you do is just making things worse. so you do break the loop, but what happens after is not what you expected and maybe not what you'd like, and it's too late to fix it or go back or w/e.


Yeah, that's definitely the thing about the flavor text! there is just important stuff in there. A log would definitely help there.

And that ending is kinda depressing! But, I do suppose there's a core of truth in there. Still just gotta move on afterwards!