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For the multiplayer, I was thinking simultaneous play. There are three options for losing at a level.

1. If any player gets in the way of an enemy, everyone loses.

2. All players must get in the way of an enemy to lose.

3. The second option but also points get decreased in a fractional manner.

Another idea I thought of was more of a last man standing scenario. Like maybe a giant level with enemies randomly spawning in more and more (random despawning could also be included).

Ah yeah, coop multiplayer!

1 would be a fun screaming match, I feel! 2 allows for more collective brainpower, I think I'd prefer 3 the best, though!

Maybe the levels are bigger and players get placed on random positions. Since there are 4 different colors for buttons, each player could have the button assigned that matches their own color, but working together to just hit all buttons would be fun too! I think the random placement would help avoid 'optimal' moves for all players, instead requiring each player to think for themselves

Last man standing scenario also sounds pretty fun and intense! I would definitely get the red enemy out of that mode, haha

Thank you for the inspiration!