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I'm adding another dream content I remember having last year. 

             I had a dream that I was living in a huge corporate hotel that had many garden rooms, classrooms, places to explore. What I mostly remember from the dream was when I was supposed to leave the hotel to head back home, I decided to fly out of the hotel and look down below. I realize that the hotel stood on an isolated island (which it occupies the space entirely). Everything looked like it's in a video game so I decided to fly out of the island and explore beyond that point. I found more tiny islands in strange colors. I also notice that the entire universe was a large room with wide pillars standing firmly in several places. I kept flying until I saw a young short woman walking around the waters, which the ocean was only deep to the feet only. She was getting something or placing something on a few islands. I flew down to see her a bit and she was already walking her way straight to a door that said "silly" on its glass pane. I followed behind as she entered the door, looked back and smiled at me as if she was greeting in courtesy of seeing a stranger (not sure you guys would understand that). Anyway, through the door was a hallway and she was walking down to a bathroom. Of course, I could not enter the bathroom since I was not lucid dreaming to think about doing it. So I turn around to exit back where I came from and, at the exit, the same woman popped out again, but this time she said hello to me as if she knew me. I was so confused because I could have sworn she entered the bathroom behind me. When I turn around to see, I saw her exiting the bathroom as well; there were two of her. Then they immediately stared at each other in shock (paralyzed). Afterward, another clone showed up from the exit, repeating the same sequence as the other two did earlier. Suddenly, more of her clones kept showing up in that same way over and over, cramming up the entire universe until the space-time continuum was destroyed and everything went in blank white. I woke up from there.