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I just played through and it was all so charming I just had to go through it again and see all of the dialogue. Everyone is trying their best and they're all so excited, it just breaks my heart. How could anyone be so unkind to people who are the embodiment of purity?? I couldn't even imagine doing that, it'd make me feel like I had kicked a puppy or stolen a baby's bottle or something. I'd feel like a monster (Get it? Because we know Monsters aren't really synonymous with the word "monster"? And they said I couldn't do wordplay).

But seriously, you did an amazing job with this!

I usually don't read summary pages too deeply because they give away too much of the story, but despite that things were apparent once I started playing. Like, I could just tell that something was kind of off with the choices. That something was off with Frisk. Even before a certain choice when talking to Alphys made that clear. You can just tell that although things are looking bright for our heroes, there's something not quite right about it all. A lot of games rely on a kind of Telling-Not-Showing way of story telling, but with this, I wasn't told anything. I uncovered things while playing that lead me to believe something that, after I went looking for confirmation of, were true. And I think it takes really, really good writing to make that happen.

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone just scrolling through the comments but after finished the Demo and was brought to the title screen for the third time, all I could do was put my head in my hands and say, "Oh honey... What have you done?"

I agree alot