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I really vibed with this one. The main mystery & multiple-instances concept kept me in this game for longer than any other jam entry thus far. I was engrossed & had to see the ending.

The visual & audio aesthetics were strikingly unique too. Reminded me of Hylics, mixed with the visual style of the animator/polyglot Umami, with a dash of Earthbound thrown in for good measure. The clashing colors & dithered decimation of the art have a tangy crunch to them that I adore. The music seems like basic sketches but is at once unearthly & wistful in a way that made it stick in my head.

As for possible areas for improvement: having some kind of HUD indicator icon that the Player is about to show up in a given instance would be nice to avoid switching around or needing to write down specific times, but that's a matter of tally. An in-game logbook of times the Player shows up that fills out after each time you encounter them could work too & encourage a more methodical approach from the literal player. Seeing the place descriptions come up every time after the first seemed a bit redundant after a while, but that's a polish step if anything.

I really want to see what you do next. I'm looking forward to it.


tysm for the detailed feedback and kind words!! it's esp flattering because i enjoyed your submission so much as well

i pretty much agree with all the suggestions and some of them were even planned but had to be scrapped at the last moment bc i barely finished the game in time as is lol

also i've never heard of umami before so thanks for the rec. their style seems really cool from what i'm seeing so far :)


You're very welcome! I really appreciated your feedback too!

Makes sense it was the game jam bounds squeezing out the quality of life features, etc. So it goes, hah.

Also, yeah, hope you enjoy Umami's stuff! They make music under the name Hexsystem too!