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First time player here, just finished the current main story and all currently available sidequests. Love the art, love the stories. That's all fantastic. Can't wait for more.

I do have some nitpicks though. Mainly having to do with specific combat encounters. I don't like that goblins will gain the flee status on the player's turn. That coupled with their ability to dodge means that you have to be very particular about how much damage they take, stack up all your attacks, and it's still a crapshoot whether you can finish them off in time. I found that frustrating. I also think the golem fight is massively over-tuned. It has the ability to permanently lock down, in my experience, half of your card slots, stop you from attacking or defending for 2 turns in a row, and at low health heal for 100 hp while also gaining a temp 100 shield. It took me 4 or 5 tries (maybe more), the win felt incredibly luck dependent and unearned, and it was thoroughly unenjoyable to fight. 

Aside from that I see someone already brought up the bug with intimidation, so I've got no other issues that bothered me. Here's to more stories and continued refinement o7.


Hello! Thanks for your feedback. We will fix these shortcomings in the next update.