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Very cool concept. The connection between the simple "story" and the gameplay was very strong. The art was very good, both the pixel art (I appreciated the difference in color palette between the beat-em-up page and the minigames) and the intro animatics looked polished. 

One problem, however, is the lack of directions. I understand that you guys weren't able to put the directions into the game, but even the directions on the game's page are lacking certain details. I put together that the "anger meter" fills up over time and increases quicker when you hit enemies, leading to a game over. I'm not sure if the punch has any practical use. Even after interacting with everything I tried (the white-shirt citizen and the girlfriend), I could not get the top meter filled up (which I'm assuming you must fill to continue or reach the ending.) Either I'm doing one of these mini-games wrong or I'm missing something.

Either way, despite those issues I have, this game is very well put together and it seems to me that the contributions from each of the members of your teams blend into each other really nicely. I see a lot of potential, so I'll follow you as it seems like you're considering continuing development on this project.

Good job and good luck :)