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Collision is finicky, sometimes players will hit the sides face first but it will still count as them landing on the platform. In general the game is easy to cheese when that bug doesn't occur though, as all you have to do is move the platform to the top and you can ignore half the game.

The roblox death sounds seem very out of place, as does the music playing the Mario coin sound effect.

If the game was reworked a little, I could definitely see this as a fun mobile game.

Thanks for the feedback!

To address some of the points you made:

Collisions: I should check only the collision that happen in the top of the platform, I just checked the y velocity so that's why sometimes it just fails.

Asset cohesion: Never really pushed myself in that regard, do you have any resources about this? As you may see, I prioritized making the prototype so I just threw some free assets here and there.