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this concept is hilarious, haha. great thinking! i didn't manage to beat it yet, but i'll be back after i rate a few more games.

i really love the different abilities, and trying to analyze the levels to see what fish is best. that said, some of the fish are hard for me to find a use for and i usually stuck with the red one, too. the green fish in particular was a rough one for me--the hover seems like it could be useful, but i can't get the fish up over any obstacles so there's usually not much i can do with it. i'm wondering if the game just isn't running completely right on my computer, because i also noticed some weirdness with the charge jump (most fish seemed to jump lower than a regular jump even if i charged it to the same level of energy that a regular jump would take). but it could very easily be a skill issue too.

i also had trouble getting past some of my olf on the later levels. especially when i would use the orange fish--there would be a buncha bodies stuck to the walls, blocking me from getting places sometimes even after i switched to a different color fish. is there a way to clear the screen, or do i just need to be careful where i let them pile up?


Thanks for the detailed feedback! I'm delighted to hear you were getting a laugh out of it! Getting to the Green Fish is a solid chunk of progress!

Thanks for the feedback, definitely agree I need to make the other fish more appealing (or introduce the Red Fish later?) I did have to adjust physics for all the fish moving from Unity to WebGL, and I suspect the Green Fish didn't make the transition successfully and need fixing.

Very important to hear that dead fish are currently being a real obstacle! Thought it would be funny having the fish bumping off each other, but not if it's at the cost of the experience!


i made it up to the purple fish, and a little past that i think! not quite to the last fish, so i have a goal for next time :)

ahh, physics. i understand, lol. red fish could come later for sure, or maybe the different fish could be sorted into difficulties? it does depend a lot on the level which fish is easier, but something with that could be fun. where you get some sort of reward depending on which fish you beat the level with (this could also tie into encouraging the player to experiment with different fish). and the dead fish are usually fine, i just have issues with the orange ones for the most part. maybe after a bit they could dry out and lose their stickiness, falling into the water below?