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Super satisfying and punchy! I love how the game encourages you to get close and circle your enemies by limiting your attack range, making the ducks attack one at a time, and forcing you to recollect deployed ducks.

The game feel is great. All the sound effects and animations make unleashing your swarm on three machine gunners feel like the perfect finale!

The music is great and really sells the revenge theme.

It was definitely too easy though. I think it's because of the hunters dropping bird cages. That mechanic makes it impossible to balance the difficulty since increasing up the number of enemies also increases your ability to build your swarm. In fact, the first level that really challenged me was the level with the one cage in the middle of four hunters. And the only difficult part was getting the first kill. Once I got that, I had enough ducks to swarm the rest with ease.

But that aside, this was a lot of fun. Great work!