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(3 edits)

Original: Bit confused on the take on the theme. Not much gameplay either.

Edit: Missed the description where it said it was unfished. Disregarding that, I liked the art style you had going on of the room being in a void, it would let the user focus on the room and potentially let you have a lot of small details in the room. As a fan of Youtuber Simulator, I feel like you could flesh this game to have a good gameplay loop and a lot of Easter Eggs. I did like the elevator music, good choice on that. Overall, the idea of a Streamer Simulator does exist but they are not as successful as their Youtube counterparts so there could be some promise in this game if you do it correctly.

Thanks for the supportive comment! As I said in the description, the game is unfinished. Thanks for having read that! 

Sorry mate, I must of missed the description as I don't remember reading it. At least your submitted something, 22k people joined but only 6k submitted. That being said, I'll update my original comment taking that into mind.