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I like the look and feel with the voxel-style text, and it's a fun concept to try and navigate when you don't have perfect control.

It feels like the car shouldn't catch up to the front of the road so quickly. If it lagged behind more, then it would add more challenge to dodging the moving planes. Right now you can just minimize how much you turn so the car is almost always lined up with the front of the road.


Hey there, Ryan! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I totally get what you mean. Unfortunately I started the jam almost an entire day behind so I didn't have enough time to fine tune any of the game's mechanics. but what you described is exactly what I wanted the movement to be. It's so sad I didn't get the time. Thanks again for your comment, after the voting period is over I'm gonna come back to this project, I'm really proud of it and I think that the premise is solid enough for it to be a neat little game if I put in the work.