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An interesting idea, but the balance was completely off. The game was no challenge at first. I could just stack all my units at the front and the hero could maybe kill a couple before dying. Then the hero got the life steal perk  on the 14th run and they became literally unkillable. Even against a massive hoard, once their armor broke their health never left full, where in the level just before they would die after about 5 seconds.

Also, for some reason the game kept trying to load SteamVR and the audio would automatically play through my vr headset.

Good concept, though.

Thanks for the feedback, I can totally see what you mean. After the jam ended, I played my own game a few more times and found the same problem. I'm not the best at balancing mechanics at the moment, so there's something I need to improve on.

As for the VR problem, I'm pretty sure it's just because Unreal Engine has a habit of trying to load it automatically. I'll try and see what I can do about both it and the balance once the game jam ends and I can update the game.