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I finally defeated the leprechaun, whack fol lol le rah. I stacked as many blues as I could.

I like the new animations and the gift shop is a great addition. The game is still decisively RNG based, but that's a great way to let the players handle some of the worst risks.

The fact that you also start with a couple of additional items is also really good and I felt more encouraged to fight enemies from the get go. Before that the first encounter was always the most difficult besides the boss.

You even start with a lemon which is really smart because that item sucks so you immediately have a decision to make between deleting it for 50 or trying to get new items for 50-100 a piece to decrease the risk of rolling the goddamn lemon.

Yellow items seem kind of weak in general. I imagine that's because accumulating money is a vehicle for snowballing which seems like a good balancing mechanic if that's the case.


Thanks for playing!

Glad to hear that the game feels more balanced on the first fight now - I think adding Plums to the starting reel really made a difference

I don't think Yellow is that bad, but it might feel that way with this particular boss - the full game will have more boss variety so that might make Yellow better