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Is it worth writing a proper review for a game that effectively equates to a shit post (albeit, a high quality shit post)? Who knows, but I guess my format demands that I do. Just, don't take this review too seriously. I streamed this game.

Pineapple on Pizza is a vibrant game with a a simple yet bright artstyle and a pretty groovy soundtrack (just the 1 track). You can explore the island until your heart's content and once you are content with your heart, you can leap into the volcano and end your life early. (This is of course advice for the game and not advice for real life.)
The game seems to be designed for youtubers to make dump soy faces at in the thumbnail, and I was left waiting for that totally poggers moment to make me soy like my favorite wojacks. The result was simultaneously expected and unexpected. Did it make me soy? Not unless you count me doing a totally poggers soy face as a way to make fun of all of the other soy faces linked in the comments. Was it at least entertaining though? Absolutely. The presentation is pretty great with the game. I was impressed that (again, for a shit post) the dancing animations mostly were in sync with the music. Though there were a few exceptions where I guess the dev just got tired of making a large number of dancing animations move in sync with the music, but I mean...I don't blame him, this was already a lot of effort for a shit post.
The dynamic shift in the music as things began to light on fire really did feel like the party had truly officially started. It really was a nice touching having the music seamlessly transition which again goes back to the strangely high level of quality put into this game.

It concludes rather satisfactorily with a few of the island people getting eaten by sharks. What more can be said?
Well, my frame rate starts to tank once things get set on fire. I guess if this was a game with commercial or more serious prospects that would be something worth investigating, but does it really matter for this game specifically? Probably not.

I give this game a rating of: 0 pineapples outta of pizza.

If you'd like to watch my experience with your game, I've linked the archive below. You can click the timestamps to jump to when I start playing your game.