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Great game! Finished all the contents, waiting for more! Might try it again in 2024 with lots of new updates I hope.

And I must say this, the meme faces and the funny faces the characters made sometimes, it was really really funny. I genuinely laughed! By the way, what's about this alter? Care to explain wee bit more or spoil a little? It's just that I have so much interest about ALTERNATIVE REALITIES


Thank you so much for playing and we are very glad you enjoyed your time with our project!

The Altar will be a new mechanic, that we simply had to postpone due to the engine limitations, and that we are currently working on implementing the intended way. It will serve as way to automate the money farming, as well as a new way of acquiring skins and such. It will also add exploration rewards and collectibles. As you can imagine, the engine built for simple visual novel type of games didn't really like all that, so we had to get very creative, and it turned out to be a very time-consuming process. The Altar is still in development, but we don't want to sacrifice our release frequency for the sake of adding it asap, so it'll have to wait just a little bit longer. 


Got it. Keep going!